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 It's obvious that gardening in Moscow area is risky. Unstable weather conditions during flowering and in Autumn could damage harvest estimations. Meanwhile quality prognosis from public weather forecast services is not available at my location - even though it is almost impossible due to hilly terrain and rare weather stations around.

Keeping all that in mind, I tried to find a solution at least to watch for weather - avoid late watering and be prepared for incoming cooling. Second requirement, get accurate prognosis, lead to search for private weather station with remote access.

Some research lead to made in China weather station - clone of Ambient Weather WS-1001-WIFI, that is connected to Internet. Further analysis shows that station is quite expensive, while weather forecast service that collects and shares data, provides quite accurate prognosis. So, I was decided and ordered the station in Aliexpress. While waiting for delivery (Aliexpress delivery needs months sometimes) I did further investigation on that weather forecast service.

That is Wunderground - network of private weather stations with biggest territory coverage and very high frequency of data collection. That is the reason of highest quality of prognosis. Later I understood that (owner of Wunderground) is default provider of weather conditions for Apple (iOS) and Google (Android) devices - so my choice was correct. Latest confirmation of my right decision was purchase of by IBM. However - IBM was a little bit late: I bought station month earlier :-)

Bottom line: since 15th of August 2015 my "Miteostation" for $300 works fine, giving me me and my neighbors precise 10-day prognosis.

Have a good weather!

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